Twin Rocks believers conference

#walking together 

Several families from churches all over the Pacific Northwest gathered in Rockaway, Oregon over the Memorial Day weekend at an event host by Shield of Faith to fellowship and encourage one another. The time between breakfast and lunch was devoted to singing, teaching and hearing how God is working around the world. In the evening, after dinner, there is an open meeting for any who felt lead to share from what God has given them.


The rest of the time is devoted to fellowship either in the dining hall, recreation rooms or on the beach. With over 400 people there never seemed to be enough time to talk with everyone.


I had the privilege of staying up into the wee hours (this photo was taken at 12:30am) of the morning with Bill, Steve, Jim & Wes as we wrestled with what 2 Peter 1:5-8 looks like practically and how much of that is our work and how much is the Holy Spirit's as we are submitted to Christ and letting His love richly dwell within us. This time is becoming one of the highlights of the year for many families.